petak, 22. siječnja 2016.

Oluje dolaze i prolaze

Oluje dolaze i prolaze, i ma koliki nered ili pustoš za sobom ostavile bitno je kakvi vi izlazite iz njih. Nekada ćete izaći i proći bolje, nekada gore, ali izaći (sa što manje trauma) i nastaviti dalje svoj život je bit! 

Moć osmijeha

*Pravi osmijeh se vidi u očima a usta ga prate, ne obrnuto.' *

Nažalost, od osmijeha se ne mogu napojiti i nahraniti žedna i gladna usta ali može duša. 
Osmijeh možda nije dovoljan za preživjeti, ali je dovoljan razlog nekome za živjeti. 
Zato...smejte se zbog tisuću razloga dobrih za vas a i jedan među njima nemojte zaboraviti- možda vaš osmijeh nekoga budi ujutro a da to ni ne znate.

Ljubi Vas Vaša Brigita!

ponedjeljak, 11. siječnja 2016.

U radu s ljudima shvatiš (a i bez toga) da postoje dvije vrste ljudi.

Oni s kojima moraš raditi na ljubavi prema sebi i

Oni drugi s kojima moraš raditi na ljubavi prema drugima.

Kako prolaze kroz život ljudi mijenjaju i faze i kategorije ali sve se vrti oko toga.

Hoćeš, nećeš, ljubav je pokretač svega u životu.

                                                                                             Putem Sunca, Brigita Čolić 

srijeda, 6. siječnja 2016.

Ako želiš voljeti

Ako želiš vidjeti ljepotu u nečem, moraš to gledati 'prazne' glave, čista srca, 'otvorenih očiju' i uma. 
Isto je i sa ljubavi. Ako je želiš osjetiti, moraš odbaciti stare povrede, predrasude iznikle iz njih...
Moraš biti 'nevin'. Moraš otvoriti srce.

          Vaša Brigita

For the same thing, some will love you, others won’t

For the same thing, some will love you, others won’t.

If you are guided by desire to be liked by everyone, you can not be happy. So, be your own and pleased with yourself. Who ever joins you, great, who moves on...believe me, also great.

Follow your own path.

With Love,


Zbog jedne te iste stvari, jedni će Vas voljeti, drugi ne

Zbog jedne te iste stvari, jedni će vas voljeti drugi ne.

Ako se budete vodili željom da se svidite svima, nećete biti sretni. Zato, budite svoji i zadovoljni sobom.

Tko vam se pridruži, super, a tko produži...vjerujte mi, opet super.

Slijedite svoj put.

Vaša Brigita

ponedjeljak, 4. siječnja 2016.

My wishes for You and some beautiful new things for the start of the New year

My dears, I wish You a happy and successful 2016 and everything else that, luck, love, money! You can expect a lot of new and beautiful things I have prepared for You.

To begin with, now you are all connected from here to my official facebook page, plus something I have promised you last year and that is that from now on YOU CAN FOLLOW ALL OF THE TOPICS I WRITE ABOUT IN DEDICATED BLOGS MADE SPECIALLY FOR THEM!

Some of you have already beaten me to the punch and have sent me feedback on them before I had the chance to write this to you. And the feedback is great what makes me very happy. Thank you my dears!

- And for those of You this will be the first information let’s get started.

**Intelligence and Love is my blog I am very proud of and it mostly contains wisdoms I write in short, easy to remember, but rich phrases that have already found their way to You who like them very much, both here and abroad, especially in USA, Australia and France (I’ve promised to send my greetings to all of you so here, one more beautiful promise fulfilled!)

**LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL is a blog dedicated to positive affirmations, meditations and all of the articles there are there to encourage, cheer and raise You when you are feeling down or make You happier. It’s my psychotherapeutical moment to You who like such topics, me too. Most articles I publish have had their audience for a long time and I am happy it is becoming larger and that love and positive vibrations are spreading, and that every article is uplifting, raises self confidence, self belief and good mood.

And, now something many of You have been impatiently waiting for, that will cheer many of the fans of my book announced for this year and that is:

**Balkanske svekrve, Brigita Colic This blog already has it’s fans and readers through the official facebook page of the same title and so everyone can now have a place where they can read especially those articles, I have created this blog precisely for You who love our mothers in law and the entire provocative story about them. The blog will often be enriched with new excerpts from the book... I know you will enjoy it as much as I am while writing it.

Of course there are also the two older blogs

**Kad se duše u očima prepoznaju with a well know thematic and You my dear and wonderful fans, and a version in English

**When souls recognise each other in the eyes

Many of You who are form English speaking areas have asked me to write my posts in English so from now on you can read the blogs

**Intelligence and Love and ** LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL bilingually.

Soon they will also be in German and Italian but slowly...I’ll keep you posted...

Kisses to all and I am very glad for all my readers and for already fulfilling some of our wishes at the start of this New Year 2016!

There will be many more new and beautiful things but for now while you are waiting for the book with positive thoughts and affirmations and a book with a provocative title and an just as much interesting thematic, Balkan Mothers in Law, you can enjoy this.

I love you all very, very much and once more wish you all the best in this year!

With love, Your Brigita

subota, 2. siječnja 2016.

Nemojte odustati

Nemojte odustati od svog života ako se nekome ne sviđaju vaši snovi.
-Nek' sanjaju svoje!

Nemojte odustati od sebe jer niste onakvi kakvi drugi žele da jeste.
-Nek' se oni mijenjaju, ako im ne paše! 
Nemojte odustati od novog dana radi ikog!
-Odustanite od onih koji čine da se tako osjećate. I bit će vam bolje!

Don't give up

Don’t give up on your life if someone doesn’t like your dreams.
- Let them dream their own!

Don’t give up on yourself because you are not what others want you to be.
-Let them change if it doesn’t suite them! 
Don’t give up on a new day for anyone!
-Give up on those who make you feel that way. And you will feel better!

U životu se isplati ulagati u dobro

U životu se isplati ulagati u ono dobro i ono što ima tendenciju ka dobru. 
U ono drugo, sav trud može biti uzaludan jer ono što te ne voli, ne voli te, ono što ti ne želi dobro, ne želi ti dobro. 
Treba se znati pomiriti s tim i ono što nije vrijedno truda i ne teži ka promjeni na bolje ne treba niti forsirati da takvim postane. 
Jer ako treba, postat će to ovako i onako. Ne zbog tebe već zbog sebe. A ako ne treba, neće ni zbog tebe ni zbog bilo čega što učiniš ili napraviš.

Svak je kovač svoje sreće!

In life it pays to invest into good and into what has a tendency towards good.

In other things, all of the effort can be in vain because what doesn’t love you,

doesn’t love you, what doesn’t want good for you, doesn’t want good for you.

One needs to know how to make peace with that and what is not worth the

effort and doesn’t want to change for the better one should not force to

become better.

Because if has to it will become that one way or another. Not for you but for

themselves. And if it doesn’t it won’t neither for you nor for anything else
we do or make.

Each are creators of their own happiness!

Kako zračiš-to privlačiš!

Ako dan započnete veseli, samo pozitivne stvari ćete primjećivati toga dana pa i doživljavati.
Ako započnete bijesni, u nemalom broju slučajeva navući ćete si još najmanje koju svađu. 
Ako krenete dotučeni, stvari tijekom tog dana će vas dodatno dotući.
Ma koliko objektivne razloge imali za biti loše, svjestan odabir da ćete biti dobro, u dan će vam donijeti dobre stvari.  
Ne kaže se uludo-kako zračiš, to i privlačiš!

What you radiate - you attract! 
If you start the day happy, on that day you will notice and experience only positive things. 
If you start the day angry, you will more often then not bring a few more
arguments on yourself. 
If you start beaten down, things on that day will beat you down more. 
No matter how many objective reasons for feeling bad you have, a concious choice to
be good will bring good things to your day.  
People don’t say in vain - what you radiate,
you attract!

Dragulj ostaje dragulj

Čula sam je opet negdi u prolazu, jako mi se sviđa i moram je podijeliti s Vama. Nek Vas inspirira da volite i cijenite sebe.

'Dragulj ostaje dragulj i kad padne u blato, a prašina ostaje prašina makar se digla do neba.' 
                                                                                                      (Sadi Širazi)

A jewel remains a jewel

I heard it again passing through, I like it very much and have to share it with You.

May it inspire You to love and appreciate yourself.

‘A jewel remains a jewel even when it falls into mud, and dust remains dust

even if it reaches the sky.’

                                                                                            (Saadi Shirazi)

Ljubav koja usrećuje

Nikada se nemojte boriti za ljubav koja vas unesrećuje. 
Ako se već borite, onda se 'borite' za prepuštanje onoj koja vas usrećuje (u međuvremenu će se vjerojatno desiti ona treća, prava).

Love that makes you happy

Never fight for love that makes you unhappy. If you have to fight, then ‘fight’ to

give in to the love that makes you happy (in the mean time will probably

happen a third love, the right one).

Srodne i zaljubljene duše pričaju samo njima znanim jezikom...

Kindred spirits and those in love speak with a language known only to them...

Postoji dio nas koji ne može biti svačiji

Postoji dio nas koji ne može biti svačiji. To je onaj dio čovjeka koji se otvara samo pojedinima. Onima koji imaju ključ od našeg srca. 
I nije bitno da li te osobe poznajete dugo ili kratko...jer njih vaša duša odmah prepozna. 
Postoje 'dijelovi nas koji jednostavno nisu suđeni svima'. 
Ponekad godinama bivaju nedostupni iako pored sebe čovjek ima nekoga a onda...pri jednom susretu, sa samo jednim pogledom ili riječi...taj dio se otvara...i ponovno čovjek postane sretan. Sretan i potpun...

There is a part of us that can’t belong to everyone

There is a part of us that can’t belong to everyone. It is that part of people

that opens only to some. Those who have the key to our heart. And it

doesn’t matter whether you know them for a long or a short time...

because you soul recognises them at once. There are ‘parts of us that are

simply not destined for everyone’. Sometime they remain unavailable

for years even though there is someone with us and then... In one meeting,

with just a single glance or word... that part opens... and a person becomes

happy again. Happy and complete...

Nemojte žaliti...

Nemojte žaliti za onima koji vas ne vole. Oni vam i ovako ne bi dali ljubav. A tko želi dobijati loše? Uživajte s onima koji vas vole. Oni će vam dati ono što trebate. Iz ljubavi se raste, zapamtite to. Iz mržnje ...iz mržnje se tone. A uz sve probleme koje život nosi ne treba vam još i netko uz koga će sve biti teže. 
Zato, one koji vas vole pod ruku i svijet je vaš!

Don't regret...

Don’t regret for those who don’t love you. They wouldn’t have given you 
love anyway. And who wants to receive bad? Enjoy with those who love 
you. They will give you what you need. One grows from love, remember 
that. From hate...from hate one sinks. And with all the problems life 
brings you don’t need someone who will make everything more difficult.
So, take those who love you by the hand and the world is yours! 

Okružite se dobrim ljudima

Kad čovjeka boli, najgore društvo su mu oni koje mora uvjeravati u svoju bol. 
Kad čovjek pati, najgori su mu 'prijatelji' oni koje mora uvjeravati u to koliko pati. 
Kad čovjek 'živi', najgori suputnici su mu oni kojima se mora opravdavati zašto i kako to radi. 
Zato, u onome što vam je bitno budite okruženi onima koji vas vole i podržavaju a ne onima koji vam snagu od toga uzimaju i rasipaju na manje bitne stvari. Jer na kraju krajeva, svi mi imamo samo jedan život...

Surround yourself with good people

When a person is in pain, worst company for him are those he has to

convince in his pain.

When a person suffers, his worst ‘friends’ are those he has to convince

how much he suffers.

When a person ‘lives’, worst companions for him are those he has to

apologise to for what and how he lives. So, in things that matter to you

surround yourself with those who love and support you and not with

those who take away your strength and waste it on less important

things. Because at the end, we all have only one life...


(Odlomak iz moje skore knjige, Vaša Brigita)

Tko te uvjerio da nisi dovoljno dobar? Tko te uvjerio da ne valja ništa što radiš?

Tko te uvjerio da tvoji snovi nisu važni? Tko te uvjerio da nisi vrijedan najljepših stvari u

životu? Tko? Tko je imao to pravo? Tko posjeduje tu moć da te određuje, spušta i uništava?

Kome si povjerovao više nego sebi? Koga si slušao više nego sebe?
Zar misliš da netko zna bolje od tebe za tebe samog?
Zar misliš da netko osjeća tebe više nego ti sam?
Zar misliš da je nekome darovan tvoj život osim tebi pa da umjesto jednog živi dva, svoj i

tvoj? Misliš li da nekome duguješ upravo to, svoj život?
Koga to voliš više nego sebe da radi njega uništavaš sebe? Znaš da to nije ljubav, zar ne?

Znaš da to nije ni uvjet ni dokaz iste, zar ne?
Znaš li da ljubav znači slobodu? Ljubav nisu uvjeti. Ljubav nisu kazne. Ljubav nisu

ucjene. Ljubav nije patnja.
Ljubav je radost.

Ljubav je ushit.

Ljubav je mir u nemiru. Svjetlo u tami. Nada u tuzi.

Ljubav je tvoje pravo da otkriješ tko si i da to budeš. Ljubav je da to znaš.
Ljubav je da to znaju i drugi za sebe.

Ljubav je pomoć i potpora.

Ljubav je voljenje čovjeka onakvog kakav on uistinu jeste a ne onoga što on
po ikome treba biti.

Ljubav je otkriće najboljeg u sebi i drugima. Ljubav je podržavanje toga.
Ljubav je prihvaćanje drugih ma koliko oni bili drukčiji od naših zamisli za

I ne samo to, ljubav je prihvaćanje sebe. Onog sebe kojeg samo vi poznajete. Onog sebe

koje ne ispunjava tuđa očekivanja. Onog sebe koji 'nije dovoljno dobar za nekoga'. Onog sebe
koji je 'predobar za nekoga'. Onog sebe koji je dobar sebi samome a polazi od

ljubavi. Ljubavi prema sebi i sebi bližnjemu.
Promijeniti svijet ne znači promijeniti sve. To znači promijeniti sebe i svijet oko sebe. Učiniti
sebe i njega boljim i ljepšim. Za sve ostalo se brine Netko viši od Tebe. Netko tko je i Tebe

stvorio. Ma u šta god vjerovao, stvoren si iz ljubavi i za ljubav.

Svijet je možda strog, okrutan, možda 'loš prema tebi', možda te zanemaruje, možda te ne

razumije. Ali Ti nemoj biti takav prema sebi. Da, Ti. Ti snosiš odgovornost za sebe i

svoju sreću. I ne, nisi kriv ako netko misli da moraš ispunjavati tisuću uvjeta da bi te volio.
To je njegov problem, ne tvoj. Tvoje je da voliš sebe i svoj život. A njegovo da voli sebe i svoj.

Odgovaraš za ono što sam stvaraš.
I kao što bi volio i voliš ono što ti je najvažnije na svijetu, tako voli i sebe. Ne, to

nije sebičnost. To je uvjet preživljavanja u ovom svijetu u kojem kao da nitko nikoga ne voli.

A sve i da svak svakoga voli, to ti ništa ne vrijedi ako ne voliš samog sebe.

A da bi volio samog sebe moraš se prihvatiti.

Moraš imati razumijevanja za sebe.
Moraš si opraštati.
Moraš se tješiti.
Moraš se podizati.
I moraš vjerovati u sebe. I u nešto više od sebe samoga. U ljubav. Zapamti to.
Jer, Ti jesi dovoljno dobar!

You Are Good Enough!
(A section from my upcoming book, Your Brigita)

Who convinced you that you are not good enough? Who convinced you that nothing you do is any good? Who convinced you that your dreams don't matter? Who convinced you that you are not worthy of the most beautiful things in life? Who? Who had that right? Who possesses the power to define you, to put you down and destroy you? To who do you believe more then to yourself? Who have you listened more then to yourself?
Do you think that someone knows better then you for you yourself?
Do you think that someone feels you more then you do yourself?
Do you think that someone else has been gifted your life besides you, and that they are
living two lives in stead of one, theirs and yours? Do you think you owe it to someone, your life?
Who do you love more then yourself that you are destroying yourself for that person?
You know that is not love, don't you? You know that is not the condition for or a proof of love, don't you?
Do you know that love means freedom? Love is not conditions. Love is not punishments.
Love is not blackmails. Love is not suffering.
Love is joy.
Love is elation.
Love is peace in unrest. Light in darkness. Hope in sorrow.
Love is your right to find out who you are and be that. Love is to know that. Love is also for others to know that for themselves.
Love is help and support.
Love is loving a person for who they truly are and not for what anyone thinks they should be.
Love is discovering the best in yourself and others. Love is supporting that.
Love is acceptance of others no matter how different they are from our ideas for them.
And not just that, love is accepting yourself. Yourself that only you know. Yourself that is not fulfilling other people's expectations. Yourself who"is not good enough for someone".
Yourself who is "too good for someone". Yourself who is good to yourself and starts with love.
Love for yourself and those close to you.
Changing your world doesn't mean changing everything. It means changing yourself and the world around you. Making yourself and it better and more beautiful. Everything else is taken care of by Someone higher then You. Someone who created You also. No matter what you believe in you are created from love and for love.
The world might be strict, cruel, might be "bad to you", might be neglecting you, might not understand you. But don't You be like that to yourself. Yes, You. You are responsible for yourself and your happiness. And no, it is not your fault if someone thinks you are supposed to fulfill a thousand conditions for them to love you. That is their problem, not yours. Yours is to love yourself and your life. And theirs is to love themselves and their life.
You are responsible for what you create yourself.
And as you would love and do love what is most important to you in this world, so you should love yourself. No, that is not selfishness. That is a condition for survival in this world in which it seems that no one loves anyone. And even if everyone would love everyone else, it still would be worth anything if you do not love yourself.
And in order to love yourself you have to accept yourself.
You have to have understanding for yourself.
You have to forgive yourself.
You have to comfort yourself.
You have to raise yourself.
And you have to believe in yourself. And in something more then yourself. In love.
Remember that.
Because, You are good enough!


(Iz moje skore knjige, Vaša Brigita)

Usudi se ostvariti svoje lijepe snove! 
Neki žive da bi 'izvršavali tuđe zadatke', a neki da bi ostvarili svoje snove. 
Gledajte da ste ovi drugi, jer oni su, istina, i tužniji i više osjete boli ali na koncu su sretniji i zadovoljniji jer žive svoj život. Ovi prvi nisu ništa od svega toga.
Njihov život nije njihov već tuđi.
Tuđi podij za tuđi ples. Nema tu ničega. Ni sreće ni tuge. Samo ogorčenost i zavist. 
Nema veće žalosti nego potratiti darovan život zaslužujući nečiju ljubav služeći tuđim željama u kojima vi niste sretni a za drugo ne znate jer ne poznajete ni sami sebe a kamoli vaše snove. 
Usudite se upoznati se! Sanjati. Ostvariti. Biti svoji i živjeti svoj život! 
Ne mora to biti na 'velika vrata'. Dovoljno je i 'malo po malo' al' nek je vaše.


Vaša Brigita

Dare to achieve your own dreams!

(From my upcoming book, Your Brigita)

Dare to achieve your beautiful dreams!
Some live their lives to ‘fulfil other people’s missions’, and others to fulfil their own dreams.
Look to be the second ones, because they are, true, both sadder and experience pain more but at the end are happier and more pleased because they live their lives. The first are nothing of that.
Their lives are not theirs but someone else’s.
Someone else’s podium for someone else’s dance. There is nothing there. Neither happiness nor sadness. Only bitterness end envy.
There is no greater sadness then to waste a gifted life earning someone’s love serving other people’s desires in which you are not happy but you don’t know anything else because you don’t know yourself let alone you own dreams.
Dare to get to know yourself! To dream! To fulfil. To be your own and live your life!
It doesn’t have to be ‘on a great stage’. It’s enough to go ‘bit by bit’ but let it be yours.

Your Brigita