subota, 2. siječnja 2016.

U životu se isplati ulagati u dobro

U životu se isplati ulagati u ono dobro i ono što ima tendenciju ka dobru. 
U ono drugo, sav trud može biti uzaludan jer ono što te ne voli, ne voli te, ono što ti ne želi dobro, ne želi ti dobro. 
Treba se znati pomiriti s tim i ono što nije vrijedno truda i ne teži ka promjeni na bolje ne treba niti forsirati da takvim postane. 
Jer ako treba, postat će to ovako i onako. Ne zbog tebe već zbog sebe. A ako ne treba, neće ni zbog tebe ni zbog bilo čega što učiniš ili napraviš.

Svak je kovač svoje sreće!

In life it pays to invest into good and into what has a tendency towards good.

In other things, all of the effort can be in vain because what doesn’t love you,

doesn’t love you, what doesn’t want good for you, doesn’t want good for you.

One needs to know how to make peace with that and what is not worth the

effort and doesn’t want to change for the better one should not force to

become better.

Because if has to it will become that one way or another. Not for you but for

themselves. And if it doesn’t it won’t neither for you nor for anything else
we do or make.

Each are creators of their own happiness!

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