subota, 2. siječnja 2016.

Okružite se dobrim ljudima

Kad čovjeka boli, najgore društvo su mu oni koje mora uvjeravati u svoju bol. 
Kad čovjek pati, najgori su mu 'prijatelji' oni koje mora uvjeravati u to koliko pati. 
Kad čovjek 'živi', najgori suputnici su mu oni kojima se mora opravdavati zašto i kako to radi. 
Zato, u onome što vam je bitno budite okruženi onima koji vas vole i podržavaju a ne onima koji vam snagu od toga uzimaju i rasipaju na manje bitne stvari. Jer na kraju krajeva, svi mi imamo samo jedan život...

Surround yourself with good people

When a person is in pain, worst company for him are those he has to

convince in his pain.

When a person suffers, his worst ‘friends’ are those he has to convince

how much he suffers.

When a person ‘lives’, worst companions for him are those he has to

apologise to for what and how he lives. So, in things that matter to you

surround yourself with those who love and support you and not with

those who take away your strength and waste it on less important

things. Because at the end, we all have only one life...

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