subota, 2. siječnja 2016.

Nemojte odustati

Nemojte odustati od svog života ako se nekome ne sviđaju vaši snovi.
-Nek' sanjaju svoje!

Nemojte odustati od sebe jer niste onakvi kakvi drugi žele da jeste.
-Nek' se oni mijenjaju, ako im ne paše! 
Nemojte odustati od novog dana radi ikog!
-Odustanite od onih koji čine da se tako osjećate. I bit će vam bolje!

Don't give up

Don’t give up on your life if someone doesn’t like your dreams.
- Let them dream their own!

Don’t give up on yourself because you are not what others want you to be.
-Let them change if it doesn’t suite them! 
Don’t give up on a new day for anyone!
-Give up on those who make you feel that way. And you will feel better!

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